Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to travel to The Alice?
Any time is the best time. Spring and autumn are particularly pleasant with mild evenings and warm days in the mid-20C. See our Climate page.

How far is Uluru (Ayers Rock) from Alice Springs?
Uluru (Ayers Rock) is approx. 450kms from Alice Springs. Driving time is approx. 4 1/2 hours. For further information on distances from Alice Springs please see our travel options page. Click here.

As an independent traveller, do we need to pre-book inadvance to enter attractions/parks/placesof interest?
The only thing you may want to consider booking in advance is accommodation and tours. For visiting local attractions and National Parks there is no need for any bookings.

What is the population of Alice Springs?
The current population of Alice Springs is approximately 28,000 at the last census.

How far is the Airport from the town centre?
The airport is 15 kilometres from the town centre.

What are the monthly average temperatures?
Please see our climate page. Click here.

Where do I purchase a Meerenie Loop Permit and how much is it?
The cost is $2.20.

Permits to be purchased in person.

Tourism Central Australia Visitor Information Centre
Gregory Terrace, Alice Springs
Phone: (08) 8952 5800
Open: Mon–Fri 8.00am-5.00pm; Sat-Sun and Public Holidays 9.00am-4.00pm

Glen Helen Resort
Namatjira Drive, Alice Springs
Phone: (08) 8956 7489
Open: Daily 7.00am–Midnight

Hermannsburg Petrol Station
Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs
Phone: (08) 8956 7480
Open: Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm; Sun 10.00am–5.30pm

Kings Canyon Resort
Watarrka National Park
Phone: (08) 8956 7442
Open: Daily 6.30am–9.30pm

What event's take place in Alice Springs?
Please view our events calendar.

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Road Report

Click here for the latest road report or phone 1300 361 033.
Mount Zeil in Central Australia is the Northern Territory's highest peak at 1,531 metres.

Amazing Trivia

Alice Springs - You'll Never Never Know If You Never Never Go!